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A consultancy specialising in Indigenous land-based community development for people, country and culture.

We work with your group to develop strategies, programs and projects that reflect your way, your priorities, your goals.

Photo of Hamish Morgan

IN-COMMON is led by:Dr Hamish MorganHamish has spent the last two decades working with remote Indigenous communities. He pulls together teams of professionals fit for your job.

More about In-Common

What We Do

IN-COMMON specialises in land-based community development.  This is about country being the ground for social, cultural and economic development.  This work includes land management and ranger programs, planning and strategies, on-country engagement, cross-cultural education and immersion programs, heritage and interpretative history projects or developing tourism.

IN-COMMON is about building from the ground up through a community-based approach.

icon representing learning connections
Managing country, empowering people and culture

Indigenous land management and ranger programs

icon representing on-country education and tourism
Telling your story, inspiring others through culture

Tourism, on-country engagement and interpretative history

icon representing planning & facilitation
Coming together and making a plan

Strategies, strategic planning, workshops and facilitation

Learn about our services


printed tourism strategy documents for 10 Deserts

10 Deserts Project – Regional Indigenous Tourism Strategy

In collaboration with Indigenous Consulting Group, IN-COMMON led the development of the 10 Deserts Indigenous Tourism Strategy. The strategy provides the framework for desert groups to develop tourism on their country in their way and to collaborate with other groups on regional tourism initiatives.

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Indigenous rangers managing country

Indigenous Desert Alliance Ranger Mentoring

Indigenous rangers have built a strong Indigenous land management sector across Australia. As the sector has grown, the complexity, scale and scope of ranger programs has grown as has the opportunity to build ranger careers.

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Men with historical site signage at Mingol Pool

Interpretive history

Country holds many stories. IN-COMMON can help you communicate them to the world through inspiring interpretative signage and trails.

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