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About Hamish Morgan

Photo of Hamish Morgan

You’re here so I may as well tell it:

I started IN-COMMON because I wanted to build a business around work I was passionate about. The groundwork was laid in 2002 when I spent two years living in a remote Aboriginal community called Ululla, 70km from Wiluna. Ululla was home to the Jackman family and it was this mob that taught me about country, culture and being connected to community. Ululla was about people living life the way they wanted to, independently and simply. It involved making do with what you had, bringing everyone along, spending lots of time out bush, and looking out for each-other as best you could. Being immersed in the place I was forced to think beyond whitefella mindsets.  

Hamish Morgan on country

This experience lead to PhD research, an interesting year working in Aboriginal health and then working in the early days of land management in the Wiluna region in various roles at Central Desert Native Title Services/Desert Support Services from 2011-2017.

The strands of my life came together in land management. People, country, culture and community-based processes, time out bush, working on what people want to do, creating independence, bringing everyone along, thinking beyond whitefella mindsets: the seeds were sown…  

I specialise in land-based community development and have a passion and dedication to support Indigenous groups to maximise the use of their country, culture for social, cultural and economic benefit.

I have been working in remote Australia and with Indigenous communities for the last 18 years in Indigenous education (2002-2003), research (2004-2008), health (2009-10) and land management and community development (2011-Present).

I have an Honours degree in Anthropology (Monash, 2001), a PhD in Cultural Studies (UTS, 2008) and a Diploma in Conservation and Land Management (Uni. Canberra 2014).

Hamish Morgan with crew