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In-common's previous and current projects

Men with historical site signage at Mingol Pool

Interpretive history

Country holds many stories. IN-COMMON can help you communicate them to the world through inspiring interpretative signage and trails.

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PBC workshop team in seminar room

PBC capacity building

Under a Desert Support Services project IN-COMMON worked with directors of three desert PBC Mungarlu Ngurrarankatja Rirraunkaja (Wiluna), Tjamu Tjamu (Kiwirrkura) and Parna Ngururrpa (Balgo) to develop director’s leadership and PBC strategic development skills.

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Strategic planning

IN-COMMON has worked with PBCs across WA and developed strategic plans with PBC directors. Each group had very different needs, capacity and aspirations.

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Indigenous rangers managing country

Indigenous Desert Alliance Ranger Mentoring

Indigenous rangers have built a strong Indigenous land management sector across Australia. As the sector has grown, the complexity, scale and scope of ranger programs has grown as has the opportunity to build ranger careers.

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printed tourism strategy documents for 10 Deserts

10 Deserts Project – Regional Indigenous Tourism Strategy

In collaboration with Indigenous Consulting Group, IN-COMMON led the development of the 10 Deserts Indigenous Tourism Strategy. The strategy provides the framework for desert groups to develop tourism on their country in their way and to collaborate with other groups on regional tourism initiatives.

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