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Our focus is on practical projects, participatory development (design and develop it through doing it!), and growing from the ground up through strong mutual value partnerships.

We work at all levels, from planning and workshops, to on-ground delivery, project management partnerships and strategic development.

IN-COMMON is about empowering country, culture and people from the ground up.

icon representing learning connections

Managing country, empowering people and culture

Indigenous land management and ranger programs

  • Land management and ranger team planning and development
  • Developing partnerships, attracting funding, connecting networks
  • IPA plans and plans for country
  • Supporting, leading and facilitating fieldwork and new projects
  • Project management and strategic development

icon representing learning connections

Telling your story, inspiring others through culture

Tourism, on-country engagement and interpretative history

  • Tourism projects and development
  • Interpretative history, drive and story trails, wayfinding
  • On-country filming
  • Engaging partners and stakeholders
  • Cultural immersion and education programs

icon representing learning connections

Coming together and making a plan

Strategies, strategic planning, workshops and facilitation

  • Community driven and regional strategies
  • Strategic plans and organisational development
  • Facilitating workshops and collaborative planning
a diagram representing connections


People make change happen. Real change takes time.  I’m committed to working with groups and seeing long-term impact.

Flexible and resourceful

I work to a timetable that works for you and within community realities. I understand that things can change and that getting the results will require flexibility and a pragmatic and resourceful mindset.

Real world focused

The best way to learn, develop and grow is by doing. By doing we discover the best solutions, what actually works in the real world. I design project from the ground up and enable tangible, lasting results.

We listen and are results orientated

I don’t come with predetermined solutions. I want to understand your priorities, your way of doing things. I want to discover what the real issues are and what your goals are. I will work with you and develop the framework to discover and implement the solutions that matter.

Our process

  1. Get in touch

    Let’s talk and see if we are a good fit

  2. Scope

    Determine the form, team, duration and type of work

  3. Deliver

    Complete the work to the agreed scope

  4. Review

    Review results and decide to extend, re-scope or end

a diagram showing the recurring process from Big picture through to bringing everyone along