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10 Deserts Project – Regional Indigenous Tourism Strategy

In collaboration with Indigenous Consulting Group, IN-COMMON led the development of the 10 Deserts Indigenous Tourism Strategy. The strategy provides the framework for desert groups to develop tourism on their country in their way and to collaborate with other groups on regional tourism initiatives.


IN-COMMON’s role was leading the project and writing that strategy in collaboration with partner organisations from across the desert. The strategy development process directly engaged over 150 people and included 7 workshops. 56 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organisations were involved in the strategy development process.

Quote from strategy

‘Indigenous groups in the desert have clearly articulated that the value of tourism from their perspective lies in the mutual achievement of an interconnected set of values for country, people and culture. It is the strength of these values combined, that enables the economic opportunity around tourism’

10 Deserts website

10 Deserts strategy documents

People writing notes on tourism planning
People meeting

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