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Strategic planning

IN-COMMON has worked with PBCs across WA and developed strategic plans with PBC directors. Each group had very different needs, capacity and aspirations.


Workshops, facilitation, review and production of strategic plans.

Strategic planning is about getting together with your team developing a vision for where you want to go and identifying the pathways to get there. Strategic planning determines direction, outlines measurable goals and provide a framework to evaluate progress and day-to-day decision making.

IN-COMMON has worked with PBCs across WA and developed strategic plans with PBC directors. Each group had very different needs, capacity and aspirations. We were able to break down the core elements of a strategic plan into plain language and develop engaging workshops that empowered the directors’ vision and priorities for the PBC, for country, culture and people.

People speaking at PBC planning meeting
mnr strategic plan
Sticky notes from PBC planning meeting
Final strategy poster

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