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PBC capacity building

Under a Desert Support Services project IN-COMMON worked with directors of three desert PBC Mungarlu Ngurrarankatja Rirraunkaja (Wiluna), Tjamu Tjamu (Kiwirrkura) and Parna Ngururrpa (Balgo) to develop director’s leadership and PBC strategic development skills.


Project framework and management, workshops, facilitation, participatory planning, PBC tools

A series of workshops enabled the creation of a number of co-designed ‘PBC tools’ including strategic transition planning, PBC meeting facilitation, skills development plans and decision-making tools. The project also included a series of workshops in Perth and Canberra with partners and stakeholders to understand more about the PBC and Native Title system.

One of the outcomes of the project was the establishment of a Desert PBC network to advocate for the rights and interests of PBC across the desert, this led to the creation of the Desert PBC Alliance and an inaugural meeting involving 45 members of 13 PBCs and representatives from state and federal government bodies.

Desert Support Services

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